I Seem to Remember Having a Blog

I’ve been out of the bloggy mode for a while for all kinds of reasons, none of which are the least bit worth mentioning.  Plain old every day life added to writer’s block seem to be the major culprits.  I keep telling myself that once school is out, blogging will get back to normal.

Here are a few odds and ends since the last post.

*  There are 20 school days until we’re out for the summer.  Not that I’m counting or anything.  (But that’s 140 hours in case anyone is wondering.)

*  Small Fry is walking like he’s been doing it all of his life.  I love it when he staggers across the room and plops down.  He always looks so surprised.

*  I will be teaching 2nd grade next year and could not be happier about it.  Fifth grade is not for me.

*  We have 20 more days of school.

*  Tater Tot is in a near constant state of giddiness because the weather has been pretty enough for him to play in his sandbox nearly every afternoon for the last 3 weeks.

*  Tater Tot has had one heck of a growth spurt lately, and he’s a full head taller than everyone in his preschool class.

*  I am still a huge fan of the McDonald’s Caramel Frappe.  I have, however, cut down to about one every couple of days since my friends and family threatened to stage a Frappe Intervention.

*  Small Fry will be a year old in one week.  Where have the last 12 months gone?

*  Our niece, Caroline, graduates from high school in a couple of weeks.  When David and I married, she was 2 1/2.  I feel kind of old.

*  Have I mentioned that we only have 20 more days of school?  And that I’m teaching 2nd grade next year?  I’m just a tiny bit thrilled about both.

*  Does anyone out there watch “Vampire Diaries?”  It scares the wits out of me what with the way those vampires move around so quickly, yet I can’t help watching it.  I know…I’m a very complicated individual.

*  It occurred to me today that my first group of students are now juniors in college and will be seniors this fall.  Please pass the Geritol and some arthritis cream.  Mawmaw is feeling a little old.  Again.

*  I made the mistake of reading Marley the Dog to my students.  Have you ever tried NOT to bawl in front of a group of fifth graders?  By the time I finished, students were handing me Kleenex right and left.  Embarrassing?  Just a smidge.

*  Zeus will be 15 on the 15th of May.  That’s, like, 112 in Lab years.  I hope he has 15 more left in him.

Well, there you go.  It’s not much, but it’s all I’ve got at the moment.

Have a great week, y’all.

Here’s to You, Dixie

No one but Dixie Carter could’ve given us Julia Sugarbaker.